Two paper-mache aliens seek out earth women to impregnate in this childish, half-baked softcore farce. The caped, silver faced astronauts ...

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Wam Bam Thank You Spaceman (1975)

Two paper-mache aliens seek out earth women to impregnate in this childish, half-baked softcore farce. The caped, silver faced astronauts land in Los Angeles and proceed to visit a whorehouse and the set of a porn film, then take a leisurely stroll down Hollywood and Vine.

There's not a lot going on here, but the film has a deliciously bizarre quality thanks to the haphazard nature of William A. Levey's direction (his steady hand also guided the superbly incoherent Blackenstein). The whole project has the feel of an expensive home movie done by a couple of horny teenage boys over summer vacation (considering said boys had access to naked actresses willing to simulate sex onscreen).

The randy aliens have long, tongue-like procreative organs, balloons for ears that inflate when they're aroused and they pepper their speech with awkwardly placed curse words like adolescents trying hard to impress each other. Though not sexy or funny enough to work as a sex comedy, Wham Bam Thank You Spaceman is still an enjoyable head-scratcher for the schlock fan.


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